
Architecture Workshop

 I took part in an Architectural Workshop, where a local architect talked us through their career and projects, and then gave us a brief of sustainable homeless living solutions for which we had to create a structure for. I created a community with individual pods and multiuse toilets, which could all be interconnected to give a community feeling and an element of safety, a feature which homeless often fail to feel. This was done alongside help from the architect, informing our design decisions inn order to help make them as realistic and feasible as possible, and to give us a better idea of how this could work in a real world format. 

Conceptual Designing


CET Design Competition

  I worked with a group of Year 7 designers in order to help them push their project forward for a Design Challenge across the county, which the team ended up winning. I was able to help push their design ideas forward and incorporate new ideas, and gave them a greater use of all technology within our school, allowing them create a developed prototype which was influential in their presentations. 

Working Drawing


A Level NEA

Initial Concept Working Drawings Development   My most recent design work is with my A-Level Coursework, where I am working with a local charity to create a product to help combat the issue of homelessness. With a range of initial concepts, I decided to move forward with my portable storage/sleeping product. My customer base requires a heavy focus on cost and comfort, ensuring the product is accessible but still an upgrade on currently available options. Through mechanism and material testing, I have finally came to a final design and have recently started manufacture, making use of a range of CAD/CAM modelling with lasrercutting and 3D Printing to try and achieve the best possible product. 

Architectural Work Experience

  I was able to get a few days at a local architectural firm (ArchitectsPlus), where i was took on a site meeting and given a brief which the company had previously worked with and built from, to test my use of space and layout skills. I gained experience in technology such as AutoCAD and Sketchup, and was able to take on advice from architects currently working in the field to allow me to create the best models I could, and further my knowledge surrounding the architectural world.  


The culture surrounding Manchester has always been a big draw to me. Having supported Manchester United all my life, I have always been desperate to take any opportunity I could to visit and experience this city, and feel the passion and togetherness the people have, no matter the occasion. Having this love for the club I have always felt connected to the area, and the opportunity to fully immerse myself into this community and grow with it is one that I am keen to explore. Currently being located in a rural area, I believe this new cultural experience could only help to push my creative abilities forward, opening my eyes to completely new experiences and backgrounds. I recently visited Salford Quays, and was able to experience its new architecture, such as the Lowry and Media City. However, the Imperial War Museum stood out to me the most. The extremely dysfunctional and almost uncomfortable shapes it uses intrigued me. When I spotted it from over the lake, I felt inclined to resear